Cosmic Bodies Colliding

Lennic Mwavita
3 min readMar 21, 2022

I believe that people always appear in our lives at just the right time. We often lose sight of their importance because we are preoccupied with what we want rather than what we genuinely need. Some are, indeed, little more than mutilating lessons that often leave us scarred. Nonetheless, it does not nullify their significance in our lives. Most of the individuals we encounter, I feel, hold the key to a bounteous sea of wonders and adventures, and are living embodiment of endless possibilities. If only we could hold on to them and be open to the incredible possibilities that lay behind the moments we share.

Every person we come into contact with gives us the opportunity to learn more about ourselves. Every moment spent with someone is a window on all time. We’ve been told our entire lives that life is a journey of discovery, and that we should seek out the three P’s: passion, purpose, and, most importantly, path. How hard we endeavor to find them and seize them by the lapels. Some give in to the pressure, and when they don’t feel like they’ve found any of the P’s, their hearts sink.

Life is a creation, not a discovery, in reality. You don’t live each day to discover what it has in store for you; rather, you live each day to create it. With every person you connect with, you are shaping your reality every minute, perhaps without realizing it. And, more often than not, it’s the people we meet, whether by chance or by design, that lead us into the realm of creativity. The truth is that we require both reason and inspiration to compel us to build anything for ourselves. Dreams are created in the vastness of the universe. Because one thing is certain: we are forged in the crucible of others’ creation. We dream because we are inspired. We seek because we desire. We adore because we aspire.

We are all tethered to each other, and we intertwine all the time, like threads in a tapestry. It can be difficult to see this wonder at times, but consider this: what do you want? See if it’s something that someone else wants or a reaction to something you’d never want because other people have. We are cosmic bodies, and when we collide, we either change our trajectories or break into smaller parts that scatter all over, which is still a way for us to create ourselves anew.

I’ve met people with whom I’ve only had brief conversations, and I haven’t spoken or seen them since. Looking back, I can see that was their purpose in my life: to either steer me in a different direction or bury a thought in my subconscious that I’d remember one day when I really needed it.

Take Bruce, for example. We met at the beach on a warm and sunny Saturday. Three times he had called out to me. We were both in the water. I was swimming laps near him, completely oblivious to the fact that he was calling out to me because I was completely absorbed in my swimming. We had the most enlightening talk later, when I finally heard him. We swapped phone numbers, and he promised to send me several books that would help me improve my life, which they did. Since that day, we haven’t spoken again.

It’s funny how we bump into each other. We have a propensity to overlook things or look forward to other things that we desire, so the moments we share with the people we meet (and come to know) and what we gain from their encounter may seem brief and insignificant at times. Plus, we don’t realize how important someone is in our life until they are gone.

The truth is that we don’t meet someone in vain. We are each other’s attempt to re-create ourselves, to be whole once more.



Lennic Mwavita

I write to express so many aspects of myself, the conscious me and my dreaming brain weaving new words in the hope of healing.